Praise the Lord, oh my soul! All my being, praise His holy name!
Psalm 103:1
We believe that gathering together on Sunday mornings and praising God for His goodness and love is one of the most beautiful aspects of our faith. Each Sunday morning, our worship team leads us as we begin our services with a combination of contemporary songs and hymns as we gather together to sing His praises.

Our Worship Playlist
Use these links to listen to the songs that we play here at North Naples Baptist Church! Whether you're a guest who's interested in the style of music that we play in our services or a long-time member who wants to sing along in your car throughout your week, click the links below to access our worship playlist! The Spotify link will take you to our Spotify playlist, while the YouTube link will allow you to access the songs if you don't have a Spotify membership.
Worship Volunteers
We're always looking for more vocalists that are capable of both leading songs and singing harmonies to backup our leaders!
Drums, bass, electric guitar, piano, keyboard, you name it! If you have experience playing music, we'd love to have you join our team!
AVL Volunteers
Audio, slideshows, and lighting help to make the services as smooth as they are. If you have experience, or you're interested in learning, let us know!